The Blessings that Return
Psalm 112:1-10
May 4-5, 2024
Psalm 112 is an acrostic Psalm. What that means is that there are 22 Hebrew letters and there are 22 phrases, so every phrase begins with the next corresponding Hebrew letter, aleph, beth, gimel, et cetera, all the way down, 22 phrases. There's 10 verses, but 22 phrases. The idea there is that you would memorize. It's one of those Psalms that you want to memorize, to write it on your heart, because there's so much in this Psalm to take hold of and to apply to our lives.
Psalm 112 captures one of the great themes that runs not only through the Psalms, but really through the entire Word of God. That your soul can be alive, that you can choose the course of your life, of your soul, that you can find a happiness that resides deeply in the soul. It has everything to do with who you are, who you become, the character that resides within you. For example, the Psalm begins, "Praise the Lord. How blessed is the man--"
That word, blessed or blessed, is the key to understanding this Psalm. In Hebrew, there are two Hebrew words that are used to translate the word blessed. The one that's most commonly used is not this one. The one that's most commonly used is the word baruch that we think of as blessing, to pour out blessing from one to another. For example, almost every Jewish prayer except for the Shema, begins with the words, "Baruch ata Adonai," blessed are thou, oh Lord, pouring out blessings upon him.
The words of blessing in Genesis 12, the famous place where Abram is blessed by God, it says, "I will make of you a great nation. I will bless you." There's that word, Baruch. "I will make your name great so that you will be a blessing, and I will bless all those who bless you, oh, Abraham." Of course, that blessing is then passed through Isaac and to Jacob and all Israel, and today it's still a great truth that those who bless Israel will also be blessed. That's still true today. Amen. That's not the word here.
The word here in Psalm 112, the word for blessed is ashre, and it could be translated happy. Happy are those. It's a not a moment, just an emotional moment of elation but no, it's a deep residing condition of the heart and soul. What does it mean to have a deep residing happiness in the soul? That's what the Psalm describes.
First of all, I think we should recognize that almost everyone longs for and desires to be happy. There was a song that was very popular about 10 years ago called Happy by Pharrell Williams. Maybe some of you remember this song by Pharrell. Cap along if you feel that happiness is the truth. Anybody remember the song? It was done way better than that. Here's the thing, it was number one on the charts all over the world, every country in the world. It was number one for months. Why? Because people have a deep longing and desire to be happy.
When you sing the song, it made you happy. It was a happy song. Cap along if you feel, and you just feel happy, at least for the song. Most people desire to be happy, but they're not happy. There have been many surveys and polls conducted which show that most people aren't quite unhappy. They are unhappy with their jobs, they're unhappy with their lives, unhappy with their lot in life. They are unhappy.
At the same time, many have some thoughts as to what would make them happy. If I just had enough money, then I would be happy. If I just had the right job, then I'd be happy. If I could just buy a house, I would be happy. Of course, there are a lot of single people who think, "If I could just get married, that would solve all of my problems." You laugh. Then I would be happy.
In the Declaration of Independence, our founding fathers wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." In other words, the founding fathers established this nation on the principle that you're guaranteed the right to pursue happiness.
They guaranteed the right to pursue it, but they didn't tell you where to find it. You know why? Because happiness cannot be found by pursuing it. The problem is that many people believe that they can find happiness by what they have or what they do or by what they experience. If they could just achieve the American dream, that is the idea that many have. "Oh, if I could just achieve the American dream."
The problem with the American dream is that as soon as you have it as passé, it's out of date, except for clothes. They have a way of coming back every 30 years, although a word of caution, you know those skinny jeans that are so cool today, in 30 years, they're not going to fit so good. No, in 30 years they'll be called muffin top jeans. That's where they will be. Let's pretend I didn't say that. No. Happiness cannot be found by pursuing happiness. Happiness is found by pursuing God. That's what this Psalm is about. God is the one who gives a deep residing peace.
See, it's not happiness like the fleeting moments of elation. Not like the world gives a deep-seated joy, happiness that resides in the soul when the heart is right with God. The soul not only speaks about the condition of the soul, it then speaks to the result in the life. What does that life look like for the one who abides in that place, the pleasant places of the Lord? What does that life look like? That's what this Psalm describes very beautifully with great depth.
Psalm 112, beginning in verse one, "Praise the Lord, Yahweh. How blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments or in the Word of God." Then it speaks to his life. "His descendants will be the mighty ones on the earth. The generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in his house and his righteousness endures forever. Light arises in the darkness for the upright."
Light and glory are aspects of one another. Light or glory arises in the darkness for the one who is upright of heart. "He is gracious. He is compassionate and righteous." It is well with the man who is gracious like that and lends. He's generous. He will maintain his cause in judgment. Literally in the Hebrew, he will conduct his affairs justly, and he/she will never be shaken.
"The righteous will be remembered forever." There's a legacy that will be established because of the mark of that character within him. His righteousness will be remembered forever. He will not fear evil tidings. He'll not be afraid of bad news. Why? Because his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. "His heart is upheld," literally held up, "and he will now fear until he looked to his satisfaction on his adversaries."
"He has given freely, he casts abundantly to the poor. His righteousness endures forever," and says it again, "and his horn will be exalted." The horn, again is a picture of might, of strength, of authority. The horn of the ox represents the power. He says, the horn of this one will be exalted in honor. God will pour honor out upon this one who understands the abiding of his soul in the pleasant places of the Lord.
"The wicked will see it and they'll be vexed." What is it? They'll say, "What is it with that one?" "He will gnash his teeth and melt away, for the desire of the wicked will perish," which is the contrast to, of course, that the one who stands with his soul right with God will flourish. That's what he's telling us in this beautiful Psalm.
Much in the Psalm
to take hold of and to apply to our lives. Starting with this, verse 1, "Blessed is the one who reveres the Lord." See, it's almost too bad that the English word fear here is used to translate the Hebrew word. Because the English word fear conjures up in the mind images of fearful aspects, like cowering in intimidation or shaking in fear or being afraid. That's not what this means.
I. Blessed is the One Who Reveres the LORD
You can see in the verse, it doesn't fit. Happy is the one who is cowering in fear. That doesn't work. Happy is the one who is shaking in intimidation. It doesn't work. No. The Hebrew word is better translated to revere. In other words, to give honor, to respect, to stand in awe of the Almighty. There it is. When you stand in awe, "God, you are amazing. Your Majesty is glory. I honor you out of my heart. I stand in awe of who you are." That is what he means. The Psalmist writes that it is those who honor God who are truly happy, a deep resigning peace that settles on the soul.
A. Happy is the one who delights in God’s Word
In other words, something beautiful happens in the soul of the one who honors God, but not just in the soul, in the life. He shows us then what that life is. What does it look like? What is it built to be? Notice the next phrase, "Happy is the one who delights in God's word," verse 1. Literally, greatly delights in the commands or the Word of God. It's another one of the great themes that runs throughout the Bible, that those to drink from the river of God's delight. See, the word delight is beautiful here. God wants the soul to be delighted.
Blessed is the man. Happy is the man who delights, who drinks from the river of his delight, who delights in his word. For those who delight in his word, notice, they will be transformed by it. The light is beautiful on the soul, and the Word of God is powerfully transforming upon the soul.
We can learn a lot from Job. We studied Job before we got into the Psalms. Job understood the value of the soul. That we saw. Job delighted in the Almighty. He called on God at all times. Do the wicked do that? No, of course they do not. The wicked are offended by God. They want nothing to do with God.
This was such a great answer to the accusation of his friends. If Job were as wicked and evil as his friend suggested, would he delight in the Almighty? No, he would not. He says, "I do delight in the Almighty, and I will not let go. I will hold fast. No matter what comes in my life, I will not let go. I will hold fast." This is a deep understanding. Job 23:11-12, he writes, "My foot has held fast to his path." There is a path. My foot is held to it. "I have kept his way." There is a way. "I have not turned aside from it. I have not departed from the command of his lips." Here it is, "I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my necessary food." Job understood the value of the soul.
Jesus spoke to this also in Mark 8:36-37, where Jesus said it this way, "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and then forfeit his soul?" Do you not understand He is saying the value of the soul? What would a man give in exchange for his soul?
See, God's word contains the wisdom of God, the character of God. Then when the Word of God becomes the bread of life, the soul is transformed by that Word of God residing upon the soul, transformed by it because they delight. See, the one who honors God, who delights in his word, will carry the bearing of God's character, which in turn then will have a bearing on those around you.
Notice the next phrase, "His descendants will be mighty on the earth. The generation of the upright will be blessed." The bearing of this one, see, those who revere God, those who honor God in their lives, those who delight in God's character in their soul, will find that God is building in them. God is building in them a construct, the construct of integrity, of wisdom, of stature. It is the posts, the beams, the steel, the rocks, the strength of God's character being built in the soul for those who abide in the shadow of the Almighty. There then, those who have this bearing upon them, it will be seen in their children. It will be seen in the next generation.
B. Wealth and riches are in his house
Verse 2, "The generation of the upright will be blessed." Then it says a very interesting thing in verse 3, "Wealth and riches are in his house." I'm sure you can imagine how this verse could be misunderstood and misapplied. There are many, many TV preachers that would love to cap on that verse right there. Misunderstood and misapplied. For there are those who seek wealth and riches above all things. It is their highest and greatest desire. There are many people like this.
It is their highest desire, the greatest and the highest thing that they seek for, first and foremost in their life, are wealth and riches. Why? Because they think that wealth and riches will make them happy. They have missed the point of this Psalm entirely. The true wealth of a man is not measured by his possessions or the value of his financial accounts. The true value of a man or a woman is measured by his spiritual stature, by the spiritual riches contained in the content of his character. That is the measure of true spiritual wealth.
Anybody agree with me? Can we give the Lord praise? I can prove it to you. Let me show you what I mean. If you desired to leave a posterity to your children, what would benefit them most if you left as a posterity, Godly character, or if you left as a posterity to them, heaps of gold and silver? Which would benefit them most if you gave to them Godly character or heaps of gold and silver? I submit to you that gold and silver without godly character will destroy your children.
Godly character will give them a foundation to build their life, and it will bless them and benefit them all the days of their life and will bless their children in return. That is the true measure of the wealth of a man. What he leaves as a posterity that will truly bless the next generation. Amen. Can we give God praise? This song is about the man, the woman, who reveres the Lord, who honors God in his soul, who greatly delights in God's word, first and foremost in his life.
It's interesting and funny last week, I know in advance, of course, what I'm going to be teaching on. I like to just read it throughout the week and just let it reside on my soul. If I'm driving somewhere, I'll listen to it. I was driving somewhere, so I thought, "Oh, I want to find someone with a good voice to listen to." I saw this one where it says, "Listen to this Psalm, 112. If you listen to this Psalm seven times every day, you will become rich." I thought, "Are you kidding me?" You have missed the entire point of this Psalm.
In fact, you could not have missed the point of this Psalm any farther than what you just did. First and foremost, the one whose soul is filled with God's glory and delight in God's presence is his first and foremost desire. Says the one whose soul is filled with God's glory and delights in God's presence in his life is already spiritually wealthy, and he has the right understanding of the things of the earth. See, this is a key. He has a right understanding of the things of the earth.
It is true that the one who is filled with wisdom and stature
will make wise decisions, and the one who makes wise decisions will certainly be financially blessed. We know that's true. We also know that a fool and his money are easily parted. We know that's true. The one who is filled with God's glory, first and foremost, and delights in God's presence in his life is already spiritually blessed, and has a right understanding of the things of the earth. That they're not enough to satisfy the desire of the soul.
In fact, David wrote this, Psalm 62:10. He certainly understood. David said this, "If riches do increase, don't set your heart on them." Very wise. Don't set your heart on them. As I said before, hey, the pleasant things of the world are certainly pleasant. They are. We live in a time of great abundance. Solomon in all of his glory didn't have microwave popcorn. The pleasant things of the world are truly pleasant. Caramel macchiatos, pleasantness, Cinnabon, cinnamon rolls.
Did you know you can get today Cinnabon flavored popcorn? That's what I'm talking about right now. It's pleasant, but the pleasant things are not enough to satisfy the desire of the soul. There are those who first and foremost seek wealth and riches, to which I would say, that's it? That's all you got? That's your highest desire? You have set your sight way too low. There are higher things. There are deeper places. There is more. You have no idea what God would do in the soul, in the one who delights in the pleasant places of the Lord.
The pleasant things of the world are not enough.
I want more. My heart desires higher things, greater things. My soul desires to drink from the river of God's delight. My soul desires to eat from the bread of life that satisfies the true longing of the soul. There is deeper places. There are higher places for the soul to reside. For those who dwell in the shadow of the Almighty will discover that they are the pleasant places where the soul can dwell there in the shadow of the Almighty. Amen. Can we give the Lord praise and glory? Amen.
Jesus spoke to this in Luke 12. Of course, it is a long portion, but I want to give you just a snippet. Luke 12:15-21, "Then Jesus said to them, 'Beware. Be on your guard against every form of greed, for not even when one has an abundance does life consist of his possessions.'" Life does not consist of that. They're not enough, so is the man who stores up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God. There he speaks of the same. To be rich toward God means the soul abides in pleasant places. That the glory of the Lord is filling and overflowing in the soul.
In fact, this Psalm suggests that the one who delights in the Almighty, who is gracious and is very gracious and generous toward others. Instead of hoarding and hoarding, and taking and taking, no, this Psalm says that He's gracious and He's very generous. It's the opposite. You read this Psalm seven times every day, and you'll be very generous, and you'll be very gracious because that's what the Psalm says. That's what this Psalm really says.
II. Blessed is the One Who Has Faith
Notice verses 4 and 5 and verse 9. This one who abides there in the glory of the Almighty. This one who delights in God's word, first and foremost, is gracious and compassionate and righteous. It is well with the man who is gracious and lends, who has given freely. Generously, he casts abundantly to the poor. That's the message of Psalm 112. The character has been transformed. Notice then next. Blessed is the one, happy is the one who has faith. See the one who honors the Lord in his heart.
The one who greatly delights in God's word will find that not only will God build the construct of integrity, of stature in his soul. The post, the beings, the steel, the rocks of godly character, he will also find that God will build faith. That faith arises in this one, why? Because faith arises in those who delight in God's word. It is a principle of the Scripture. Paul said the same thing in Romans 10:17, "Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ."
He speaks a very similar word that when the soul receives the Word of God, which is living inactive, filled with the Spirit of the Living God. Those who delight in the Word of God will find that faith arises. Faith is increasing. How many people want more faith? We want more faith. Where does faith come from? He tells us. Paul wrote the same. Psalm 112, those who delight in the Word of God, who receive the Word of God upon their soul will find faith arising.
Then by that faith, he believes that God will see him through the troubles and the difficulties of this life. Everyone will have difficulties. Everyone will have troubles. Even the one who honors the Lord, even the one who greatly delights in God's word, even the one who has godly character abiding in his soul, everyone will have trouble. The difference is that this one will not be shaken. He will never be shaken.
A. He will never be shaken
Notice verses 5 and 6, it is well with this man or woman. I love that phrase. It is well with his soul. This is a good word. It is well with his soul. He is not shaken. Notice though he says, it is well with this man who conducts his affairs justly. He will never be shaken. See, by that Godly character that God is constructing in his soul, he conducts his affairs by that integrity and character of God within him. Whether it be the affairs of his business, the affairs of his relationship, the affairs of life, whatever the affairs of that one's life, he conducts them by that construct of God within him, believing that God is the one who will bless his life.
God is the blesser. It is well with his soul. It is settled on this rock. He has found that the dwelling places of the Lord are pleasant places for the soul to reside. He has found his home, it is well. See, this is important because there's so many people today, there's searching, and there longing, and there's emptiness and they're like, "What is this thing?"
This emptiness, and they're looking and looking and searching, what is this thing missing in my life? This one seen here in the Psalm knows that the dwelling places of the Lord are pleasant places. Who stands in awe of the majesty of the Almighty, of God Most High. Who delights in his word. Who sees the construct of God building in him that integrity and character. That faith is arising in him. His search is over. He has found his peace. He is at home. It is well with his soul.
His soul knows the goodness of God, and he has built his life on this rock. Then when the troubles of life come, he will not be shaken. Notice what He says. Jesus said the very similar thing in Luke 6:47-48. Jesus said it this way, "Everyone who
hears these words of mine and acts on them, everyone who hears these words and conducts his life accordingly, lives by those words, I will show you whom he is like. He is like a man building a house, who dug deep, laid a foundation on a rock, and then when the flood occurred, troubles, difficulties, when the torrent burst against that house, it could not shake it because it had been well built."
God is constructing and building in this one that character of God within the soul, and it is well built and it will not be shaken in the midst of the troubles and the difficulties of life. David said it this way in Psalm 46:10, "Cease striving, cease all this striving and know that I'm God." Striving within oneself is that inner turmoil, the worries, the fears, the anxieties, the soul that is disturbed within you.
He says, cease striving, be still and know in your heart that He is Lord of your life, that He is Lord of the earth, now you can trust Him with every worry, every fear, every anxious thought, it is well with my soul. Paul wrote it this way in Philippians 4:6-7, he says, "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Then the peace of God, it is well with my soul, the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension, this peace will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
It will guard your hearts and your mind from the fear, from the worry, from the anxiety, the thoughts that want to invade life because of the troubles and the difficulties of life. He said this one, it is well with his soul, and that peace guards his heart and his mind.
B. He will not fear bad news
Notice even where he says in verse seven, and he will not fear bad news, verse seven and eight, he will not fear evil tidings, bad news. Why not? Because his heart is steadfast. He trusts in the Lord. His heart is upheld and he will not fear. See, the world is full of bad news. There's a war in Gaza, there's a war in Ukraine, Antisemitism is raging in college campuses all over the world.
There's economic turmoil. Not to mention this is an election year. We're just getting started with the bad news. Then there's bad news on a personal level. There's bad news from the doctor, bad news at work, bad news in relationship, bad news financially, there's a lot of bad news. I'm sure you're saying, "Man, I'm really glad I came today, pastor. I'm just so encouraged by this really encouraging message you're giving today."
Everyone will have bad news, but this one, he will not fear bad news, is not afraid in times of trouble. Why not? Because his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. His heart is upheld, literally held up, and he will not fear these bad news. When you first read Psalm 112 and you read the first few verses, you think, "Oh, everything comes up roses for this one," until you read this section, oh, he has troubles, too. Oh, he has bad news, evil tidings, even adversaries. Yes, he does, but he does not fear and he is not shaken. There are difficult things, there are bad news, his heart is steadfast.
Blessed is the one who honors God, who stands in awe of the Most High, who delights in God's word, who knows that the dwelling places of the Lord are pleasant places for the soul to abide. He is the one who will say, "It is well with my soul, I have found my home, it is built on this rock."
Father, we love you. Thank you for the great truths of this Psalm. Lord, I pray that we would take hold of every word, write it on our hearts. God, write in on our soul. Church, as we're praying, we're just going to bring the lights down and just have a moment of just being intimate with the Lord. If you would say to the Lord today, I want my soul like that, I want my soul to dwell in the pleasant places where glory of God abounds. I want to know what it means to delight in God's word. I want my soul to say it is well, I have found my peace, it has settled upon me I will build my life on this rock, I will build my life on this rock for I know that I will not be shaken.
My heart is steadfast. Build my life on this rock. Church, would say that to the Lord. If you would say that, would you just raise your hand as that declaration of saying, I will build my life on this rock. I want my soul to abide there in the pleasant places of the Most High. God, fill me with your glory, fill me with your life we pray. We ask that in Jesus' powerful name, and everyone said-- Can we give the Lord praise and glory? Amen. Amen. Amen.